Sunday, July 03, 2005

Bagaikan Dikerat - kerat : My Aching Body

"..ache, pain, ache,
from the tips of my toes,
to the top of my head.."

Dear lonely isle,
  • Today was Canteen Day.
  • My shift starts at 12.00am-3.00pm.
  • Somehow, again I find myself doing things I do not have to do.
  • Like working at the stall from 8.00am-3.00pm. (haha, no I did not do anything else, or play any games. Heck I don't even know where the games stall for my class is!)
  • But it was fun.
  • My job was to sell ice lemon tea (which was a BIG hit by the way), but I did alternate between other drinks and food, sometimes doing a few at a go.
  • Mann, we ran out of things TOO many times.
  • Maybe that's a good sign, which means we sold a LOT (or bad planning? But 7 packs of ice in two hours?? We sold a lot.)
  • If it's not ice, it's ingredients to make the ice lemon tea.
  • Or not, it's the cups.
  • Either way, there was a lot of hustle, bustle and general panic all around when we run out of things.
  • And customers always seem to know when we are low in stock to come flocking around.
  • It's always very risky, squeezing the last few ounces of lemon tea into a few cups, or minimalising the ice without compromising the quality of our products. (yes, we do keep quality control)
  • And even at our worst, it is proven that we have tight quality measures, because the people we sold to, regardless of whether we are low in stock or not, actually come back many times to buy from us.
  • We ask our customers from time to time the quality of food and drinks sold, and people come back again to buy, saying that it's very nice. (somehow that just made my day =))
  • Even when we run out of things and are forced to apologise because we don't have anything to sell, and if they would come back later (when we have the stuff to resume), they actually came back.
  • I am impressed.
  • All in all, it was a typical day for my class.
  • Because at any time there's work, there only seems to be about 10 people alive. (we have 24 in the class.)
  • No doubt, yours truly is one of them ;p
  • Despite popular belief, I actually do enjoy taking part in such things, and I do pull my own weight. (like when class spring cleaning comes around. I'm always doing windows..)
  • Also, I would like to thank all my friends who took the time to come to school and drop by my stall.
  • And to apologise for not being able to chat for long about anything beyond the weather, or even spend time with them because of working double shifts. (sorry, Haz, Jia Yee..)
  • And also sorry for not answering calls, or replying messages due to sticky and busy hands. (sorry again..)
  • Right now, I am feeling the after-effects of standing for too long (7.00am-3.00pm).
  • My whole body is on strike.
  • They refuse to move in any way and will scream in pain when forced to.
  • The best position, flat out on the bed.
  • Sleeping like you're dead. Hugging Jellybean.
  • And to think we didn't count how much we made.. (it bothered me so much I dreamt we did count, and we made MORE money than 6B ;p)
A day well spent.

Now, for a night well slept...

love, joyce.