Tuesday, June 14, 2005

White Flag

"'s the hardest thing to say,
I'll miss your love in every day.."

Dear lonely isle,

It's true. Eventually, inevitably, and somehow, we end up alone. We started off alone, so it's only natural we leave alone. And so on, it comes back to haunt me. Despite how things are now, I am rest assured how they will be later on. We end up alone, eventually.
Everywhere we turn, people are leaving. They go off in search of a better future, furthering studies and maybe, who knows, a better life. Somewhere without me.
I hope always, and pray too, that they might come back. That one day, some one will knock on my door, and it'll be them. And things will be as they used to. But somehow, it's just never the same.
But then why? Why do we form attachments knowing that one day such bonds will break, weakened by time, distance and circumstances? Why do we rise knowing we will fall? Why do we pursue the bird that one day flies away?
Maybe it's because some things, temporary as it may be, would still mean something years from now, when sight is blurred and hearing dimmed, maybe we'll look back and these memories will bring a smile. Maybe on days when we feel all the years we have lived, and realised that it has been a lifetime, we look across the room, and realise that we are not alone.
'Till death do us part', means that one of us will end up alive, and alone.
So we return once again to the inevitable fact: We end up alone, eventually.
Because despite how many 'maybes' we can conjure up, the reality is, we are alone.
Not now, perhaps. But who can say what tomorrow's winds will bring, and of their tidings?
There are many things I can't change, and fewer still that I know, and then again, much that is beyond me. But even though I may regret bonds I make today, right now, they are the lifeline that anchors me to shore, the fragile rope that hauls my ship to safety, always.
One day though, this ship will stand alone, and she will raise a flag. And the proud banner will ride the winds, over and over, till only a whisper remains. But still it will say, in words faded and torn, a silent plea to faded faces,

'I miss you'

love, joyce.