Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sunshine On My Rainy Day

"..and all the things I deserve,
for being such a good girl, honey

Dear lonely isle,

Woke up in a pretty bad state yesterday.

Why, you ask?

Well, for starters, it wasn't the alarm that woke me, it was the sound of my handphone ringing. It was my coursemates who went to uni with me every morning. They were already waiting outside my house. That would mean it was already....7.30am

Class starts at 8.00am by the way.

Oh and then I realized I couldn't see. Because my eyes were so swollen they were plastered shut. And they hurt. And I think I look like I got punched in both eyes. My dark rings were that bad.

So I stumbled out of bed and went downstairs to open the gate for them. On top of everything, it was raining heavily. And who greets me? Downstairs, my housemate's coursemates (eng fac, so they're all guys) who came over the night before to get some assignment or other done. Didn't know they stayed overnight. And me in all my glory feeling my way down the stairs. In my pjs. Hair uncombed. Face unwashed. Teeth unbrushed. Braless. I must have been such a ghastly sight that they all probably wrote a mental note somewhere to make sure their future girlfriends do not have a sidejob starring in Ju-On.

Anyway, thank god the autogate was finally working. Wouldn't wanna get into all that rain first thing in the morning. It's already cold enough. Contemplated skipping class.

Scratch that. REALLY wanted to skip class. Nose had already started running. And was showing no signs of slowing down and waiting for me to catch up. That, and plus the two things under my eyebrows on either side of my nose and above my mouth, which (for lack of a better word) I'm forced to call me eyes. I'm so sleepy I'm beyond it. I'm somewhere in the recesses of ZOMBIE-hood.

But then, my lecturer for that morning's class tends to look out for me, to see if I slept that day or not, so what the hell. He can catch me snoring that day.

When I got into the car to drive, Tiing Jen asks me, "Can you see the road?"
Well yeah, my eyes were pretty badly swollen. No worries people, even though the window of my view is really small, I can still see the road, and made it to campus without any (near) accidents.

When I was in class I could hear another coursemate, Jia Jia, asking Tiing Jen, "Can she even see? Hold her! She might bang into something!"

Yeah, didn't look too fabulous that morning.

No surprises though, I fell asleep even as the presentation started (class presentation by a group of students yesterday). I even missed my lecturer announcing that our midterm was postponed for two weeks from the appointed date instead of commencing next week.

Fell asleep several more times after class, while waiting for my friends to choose an assignment topic in front of the lecturer's room. Was worried I wouldn't be able to drive back, because every time I sat down I promptly fell asleep. And well, driving kind of involve sitting down in the driver's seat. Somehow managed to drive back without drifting off. I even went to pump air into my car tyres. Which of course, my coursemates totally spoiled me by doing it for me. You get special treatment when you look like you've been through the plumbing of a house. Came back and crashed. Oh, I completed my management homework due at 2.00pm yesterday before that.

At 1.00pm, again I got woken up by the sound of my handphone ringing instead of my alarm. Time to go to class. REALLY wanted to skip class. Again. Try as I had since I woke up I couldn't make my eyes open wider than a slit. It hurt if I tried to make them open to even a third of their normal size. But the coward in me was steering the body that day. So I went to class, in case there was a pop quiz or something.

Appetite was working fine though, because I attacked my food that day. In class, my lecturer expressed he was feeling unwell, yet managed to nag for half an hour first, and reminded students who owed him money to pay up. Then he left us some work to do and said he was gonna take the day off. We could leave after we've placed our work in a box he left behind. Okay, lucky I went. Was getting better though by then. Nose wasn't sprinting anymore, and had slowed down to brisk walking. Eyes were slowly opening wider. Brain was slowly starting to comprehend things like written words and sentences.

After that, back to home to CRASH. Until 6.00pm. Had arab class that night, from 7.00pm to 10.00pm. Yeah, I know. It's a real pain. So at 5.45pm, got woken up by the sound of my phone message tone screaming in my ear. Accidentally fell asleep on it. It was from an arab class coursemate. It said.

Arab class cancelled. Tell your friends.

WHAT MAGIC WORDS. God himself must've sent them.

Read it a few more times, just in case my defunct eyes might have replaced "cancelled" with "extended" or "replacement". Felt satisfied enough. Now back to what's really important.


Enjoyed a good four hour nap till 8.00 pm :)

Hehe, my baby called at 6 something to wake me for class and even my housemate Bee Bee came in to wake me up. Such nice souls :) But nah, even those little disturbances didn't disturb my sleep. Did I mentioned it rained the whole day? And that everytime I crashed my blanket was all the way up to my chin? It was such a cold day.

So who knows? Sometimes if we just grit our teeth and bear it like a good girl, you do get rewarded.

One of my better days, certainly.
Even if it did start off like something from the rear end of house plumbing.

love, joyce.