Thursday, February 28, 2008

Paper Chains

Dear lonely isle,

Forgive me for my long absence! I was planning to blog a few times in the past few days, but what happened was I got swamped.

Yes. Swamped.

Much as I'd like to say that a swamp fell on top of me, I'm forced by reason of belief, principle, moral and conscience to tell the truth.

What really happened was one night, as I prepared for bed (the usual bathroom rituals of teeth brushing, flossing, face washing, bag packing, etc.) my assignments and reports suddenly grew arms and legs and started crawling all over me, yanking at my hair and screaming into my ear, all demanding to be completed and handed in. The textbooks for my major subjects, upon hearing the commotion and emboldened by the sudden fierce and violent revolt of due literature got up and started demanding their fair share of my time too, biting and scratching my legs and arms.

The result? I now spend many hours (chained) at my desk at night, slaving away at the mercy of datelines and threats of bad grades and dropping PNGK.

But even as I try to reduce the angry workpile that sits on my desk, I get stared down by new reports and assignments marching in every week. It is as I fear, going to be a long, hard and brutal enslavery. They allow me little sleep at night and generously dictate long hours of work when I'm home. With mid terms within sight, the textbooks faction have begun to throw their weight around, trying to shove their importance into the faces of the more numerous reports and assignments faction. Unable to agree on the allocation of time for their respective parts, haggling down to the last minute and second of my time dedicated to studying/completing/writing/revising their contents, they decided instead to agree on putting in even more hours for me so as to give equal share of time to the textbook faction while not neglecting the hours demanded by the reports/assignments/presentations faction.

Life is not looking too good for me.

At this very moment, I'm on one of my allowed short periods of rest, and so decided to explain my continued absence. Which is likely to continue with no end as yet in sight.

This is a plea of a girl waiting for the words "Graduation" (as one might look at the word "salvation") unknowingly that what lies ahead puts fear into even the most staunch and hardcore of procrastinators and parasites.

Working life.

Sometimes I think life is one long cruel enslavement to commit yourself to things you hate to do but are yet forced to do for reasons like wealth and luxury. After which you gain the former you still cannot enjoy the latter due to the restraints imposed upon you by your enslavement to the former and to your fear of losing it.

*From a distance* "Oi! Time's up!" *Whip cracking*

Okay, you heard that textbook. Back to work.

One day at a time.

love, joyce.