Friday, March 03, 2006

The Reason

"..I know I tend to get so insecure,
it doesn't matter anymore

Dear lonely isle,

What do you's already March.
Yup, my days are numbered.

Well, I guess I miss us.
I miss the times we could just pick a house and hang out in each other's rooms. Just lie around, and talk about things we don't tell other people.
I miss the days we'd go out, on impulse and shop, or eat, or watch movies or just walk around.
I miss trips to the park in the evening, feeding mosquitoes and buying corn.
I miss the swings.

I miss girls' night out.
I miss sleepovers.
I miss sitting in the dark at night in a car, listening to songs.
I miss cooking days. I miss baking together.
I miss everything.
I guess I miss us.

But on the other hand, it's nice to see that smile.
I've missed that stupid face too.
Just to know that everything's fine again.

Well, what more can I ask?
It's everything that makes me happy.
So as long as you are, I am too.

Being close doesn't mean that you have to see each other everyday. You don't even need to spend lots of time together, because what's close is the distance between your hearts. If truly there is such a link between 2 people, you'll know that even if you haven't seen each other in years, you'll pick up right where you left off.
Or so I tell everyone else.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm really trying to tell myself.

If I was, what am I trying to say?

Whispers in the wind. Nothing more.

love, joyce.