Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Blind Faith

"..when life is a bitter pill to swallow
you've got to hold on to what you believe
believe that the sun will shine tomorrow
and that your saints and sinners bleed.."

Dear lonely isle,

Today someone said I seem to be enjoying the best in life.

I believe I do.

I didn't realize it, but I am.

I know it seems superficial to claim that I'm enjoying the best in life at only 22 years of age, with no work experience, no house or car to my name and with less money than I'd like in my bank. Also, did I mention I wasn't married?

But I believe that the best in life will always change. What may have seemed like the best five years ago, won't be the best now. And what is the best now, probably will have changed five years from now.

But right here, right now, where I'm standing, I'm definitely in love with the view.

And maybe I'm just a fool, because I know that things are going to be tough, but maybe while my brain has arrived at that conclusion, the rest of me hasn't realized it yet.
And like a fool who sets sail to sea without looking at the map in hand, I can already foresee the dark skies and pouring rain in the journey ahead.

Yet, this fool is smiling. Because its a good day.
In fact, the weather has been damn well fine for as long as he can remember.

If this were a movie you'd just know that this ship is going to hit some rocks or shallow reef and end up a beached whale.
But the fool behind the wheel knows that, if it does happen, that's okay.

Sometimes we can only plan where we want to go.
We may very well end up in a completely different place altogether.
The waters of the Ocean of Life oft times have a mind of their own, and they may decide to lead us down a different path.

"..and somehow I know that it'll all turn out
you'll make me work so we can work to work it out.."

So. It's been fine weather so far.
And if we hit some rocks it's okay. Because if the ship sinks we'll just swim.
And if we hit the beach we'll make camp.
And if we drown, well. It's going to be a bigger adventure than I thought.
But an adventure nonetheless.

If the world ends tomorrow, we'll all be in heaven by then.

I used to believe in this, once upon a time.
And then somewhere along the way, I lost my faith.

I must have found it again, when I tripped and fell.

Whatever comes, comes.

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always remember to bring your own sunshine.

Someone once told me this. I believe its the best advice for anything you aspire to do.

Right now, you're my sunshine.

I promise you, I'm going to make this work.

"..just don't give up, I'm working this out
please don't give in, I won't let you down.."

Because you said to have faith in you.
So I will.

love, Joyce.

PS: I'm reeking so much of positivity I'm not going to be able to stand myself soon.