Dear lonely isle,
Last Sunday, when my dad came to visit, Kim got a surprise belated present from Mei Kuan and Bee Bee. It was something she'd been looking for for a loooong time, something she wanted to get so many times but just couldn't bring herself to buy. Something she'd been eyeing on on Mei Kuan's bed.
Let me give u a hint.
That, is a Kuma-kuma.
What, might you ask, is a Kuma-kuma anyway?
Well, wonder no more, for someone invented the World Wide Web,
and included Google in our life too.
And so, finally, cos good things come to those who wait,
(and to good girls too ;) like yours truly)
(and the flowers we stole from Pacific Sutera Harbour)
Well, Kimmy really loves her Kuma-kuma, and dotes on him.
On cold mornings and nights Kuma-kuma will sleep on her bed,
resting his head on her pillow with the blanket tucked to his chin.
Kuma-kuma is not allowed to be held by anyone
for an extended (*cough*cough*really brief*cough*cough*)
period of time, especially by Yasmin,
who for some reason loves to torture Kuma-kuma by
punching him,
squeezing him,
flattening him, and
sepit-ing his hands and feet between the door and the door frame.
Needless to say, Kim is mortified by the ill-treatment of her Kuma-kuma
and holds it protectively with her when Yasmin is in the room,
helping Kuma-kuma avoid punches and kicks thrown at it.
However, today as I trudged home from yet another, long, tiring,
and exhausting lab session, I entered the room to find the lights on.
What I saw just made me laugh. And laugh.
Somehow it made part of my day seem more bearable.
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