Dear lonely isle,
Sorry for the dreadfully long absence. But you see, one of the reasons was because I was particularly taken up with my visiting baby.
Yes, didn't you know? My baby came to visit :)
And he stayed for a week, so I was away all that time. (and then just after he left my internet was down, furthermore I went back for chinese new year soon after that, before my internet was fixed. So now you see? It was inevitable.)
Yes, didn't you know? My baby came to visit :)
And he stayed for a week, so I was away all that time. (and then just after he left my internet was down, furthermore I went back for chinese new year soon after that, before my internet was fixed. So now you see? It was inevitable.)

Hehe we borrowed Bee Bee's labcoat for a few days.
My evil lecturer made us do a practical which took 4 consecutive days to complete,
so my poor baby was forced to spend days in the lab with me.
He amused himself by taking pictures of me
concentrating on my assignment when we were home..
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