~ September 13th~a.k.a.
Day I Was Not Looking Forward To
See...forced to smile for the camera

-More love from Down Under-
Thanks baby :)
They're so beautiful

Somehow we decided to play hide and seek with the camera behind the furniture

Thanks so much guys, for going to so much trouble to wake up at ungodly hours to shop for ingredients for the steamboat.
T____T so touched.
It was simple, but the food was good.
And the company was just great :)
Never had quite so many fishballs in my life >.>
(Not in anyway related to the sentence before that)

Happy Potatoes :)
The littlest potato is finally 21 :)

I like my flowers *hugs*

You guys are too sweet :)
~The Night Before~
Meet Pesca!

Pesca is very huggable

Pesca is so adorable

Pesca can double as a helmet :)
(back to September 13th, we apologise for the commercial break)
At Luna Rossa~
Yasmin's new bag holder

We attacked the carbonara upon arrival, which accounts for the lack of pictures.
They sure as hell took their time preparing our orders.
(which explains Yasmin's abuse of the furniture/decorative structures)

(Damn) Good Pizza

Starter that became dessert
Tomato slices, stacked with mozarella slices (heavenly, btw) and topped with basil.
One of the Italian signature dishes.
(so is anything with tomato, cheese and basil. Makes you wonder how they came up with the colours of the Italian flag)

Thanks baby :)

Thanks Bee Bee, Mei Kuan dear, Roomie and Yasmin :)

Thanks fansus! :)

It's been a good day ;)
(Ann Gee, your prezzie will be featured in another post with Ziggy k? :) )
PS: My phone refused to charge last night T_____________T Phone problems again *sobs*
*prays* please be okay phone T_____________T
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