Dear lonely isle,
We have kittens!
Dear lord, of course they didn't just fall out of the sky!
After a long (3 months), hard (for us), pregnancy, Cat finally gave birth to 3 adorable kittens; one tortoiseshell (like herself ;P), one marmalade and one with brown and black patches.
But alas, the momentous birth was not without tragedy...
On the third day or so after they were born, a male cat (the beast!) snuck into the house and murdered one of the kittens...the marmalade one..
Yes, murdered I say. I'm using the exact same term my landlady used to describe the atrocious act.
So we started closing the door, and Cat started getting curfews. That is to say we dictate when she goes in and out of the house, because she obviously can't open the door by herself.
With the preventive measure (door closing) in place, the other 2 kittens were kept from harm.
However, it was not without an extremely annoying and irritating price.
Not used to being confined and let out only a few times a day, Cat developed a habit of meowing NONSTOP whenever she wanted to go out. We would love to let her out, but because of our new door-closing habit, someone has to be around to open the door for Cat when she gets back. And yes, we have to wait for her, because leaving the door open will only invite a second occurance of the incident which made us close the door in the first place, and not waiting for Cat downstairs will result in her kittens starving.
The problem was, Cat wanted to be let out when everyone was going out, so there would be no one left at home to be her bellboy. She also liked going out at 1 am in the morning, and when the inhabitants of the house need to nap and want to sleep. And mind you, she doesn't go for short periods of time. If her kittens have just been fed, she will roam for hours.
When not allowed to have her way, she can really meow the house down. She can meow for the whole day. Literally. Non-stop.
Things got worse when she got a worm infection from eating raw fish. Some idiot thought it was mighty generous to keep feeding Cat raw fish. Don't know who it is. Don't let me find out who. The person will pay dearly. Because Cat threw up worms on the floor.
So the security became even tighter. And we all had to be dewormed. And when she came back smelling of fish one day, she meowed so much I think she sounded different at the end of the day. Cos we didn't let her out.
Things are a lot better now, as Cat is cured (I should think) and the kittens are much older (a month or so old, I lost track of time >.<"), and aren't so reliant on their mother for hourly doses of milk. So Cat is left out of the house longer to roam.
They have recently started exploring areas beyond the study room, after Cat moved them from the box under the stairs to a small box in the study room. They have begun their slow invasion into the house and into our hearts. They have started biting, licking, chewing and scratching (feels ticklish though) anything and everything, toes included. They are learning to climb up the couch and also up the stairs.
And they're getting cuter everyday.
I wish they'd stay this size always. They're so much cuter this small.
Dear lord, of course they didn't just fall out of the sky!
After a long (3 months), hard (for us), pregnancy, Cat finally gave birth to 3 adorable kittens; one tortoiseshell (like herself ;P), one marmalade and one with brown and black patches.
But alas, the momentous birth was not without tragedy...
On the third day or so after they were born, a male cat (the beast!) snuck into the house and murdered one of the kittens...the marmalade one..
Yes, murdered I say. I'm using the exact same term my landlady used to describe the atrocious act.
So we started closing the door, and Cat started getting curfews. That is to say we dictate when she goes in and out of the house, because she obviously can't open the door by herself.
With the preventive measure (door closing) in place, the other 2 kittens were kept from harm.
However, it was not without an extremely annoying and irritating price.
Not used to being confined and let out only a few times a day, Cat developed a habit of meowing NONSTOP whenever she wanted to go out. We would love to let her out, but because of our new door-closing habit, someone has to be around to open the door for Cat when she gets back. And yes, we have to wait for her, because leaving the door open will only invite a second occurance of the incident which made us close the door in the first place, and not waiting for Cat downstairs will result in her kittens starving.
The problem was, Cat wanted to be let out when everyone was going out, so there would be no one left at home to be her bellboy. She also liked going out at 1 am in the morning, and when the inhabitants of the house need to nap and want to sleep. And mind you, she doesn't go for short periods of time. If her kittens have just been fed, she will roam for hours.
When not allowed to have her way, she can really meow the house down. She can meow for the whole day. Literally. Non-stop.
Things got worse when she got a worm infection from eating raw fish. Some idiot thought it was mighty generous to keep feeding Cat raw fish. Don't know who it is. Don't let me find out who. The person will pay dearly. Because Cat threw up worms on the floor.
So the security became even tighter. And we all had to be dewormed. And when she came back smelling of fish one day, she meowed so much I think she sounded different at the end of the day. Cos we didn't let her out.
Things are a lot better now, as Cat is cured (I should think) and the kittens are much older (a month or so old, I lost track of time >.<"), and aren't so reliant on their mother for hourly doses of milk. So Cat is left out of the house longer to roam.
They have recently started exploring areas beyond the study room, after Cat moved them from the box under the stairs to a small box in the study room. They have begun their slow invasion into the house and into our hearts. They have started biting, licking, chewing and scratching (feels ticklish though) anything and everything, toes included. They are learning to climb up the couch and also up the stairs.
And they're getting cuter everyday.
I wish they'd stay this size always. They're so much cuter this small.
Well, their names are pretty obvious, so you should know which is which if you've seen Cat.
They're both female by the way.
There was some speculations about the gender of Mini Cat,
which resulted in the kitten filed under 'Male' because 'he' had no teats.
It is confirmed today that Mini Cat was misfiled.
Bee Bee noticed that Mini Cat developed slower compared to PoloPao.
She's fast, curious, and very adventurous.
She's not shy around strangers and will bite both house inhabitants and newly found man-creature with the same gusto.
She explored half the living room by the time Mini Cat decided that
the floor beyond the study room doorframe was actually safe to tread on.
without them darting in and out of the frame of view.
love, Joyce.
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