Dear lonely isle,
What do you do when you're stressed?
We have an exam on Monday. For which none of us have yet to study. But anyway, we went out on Saturday on the pretense of celebrating Tiing Jen's birthday. Okay so maybe it was not all pretend.
The one thing that is almost certain is, biophysical chemistry exam on Monday is very nearly, almost as good as gone.
Oh that other one we gave up on was biochemistry. Different subject, but equally as dislikable. For the record, I absolutely detest both.
So what do you do when you're stressed?
Camwhoring at Secret Recipe!
She was so worried she wanted to study her notes and asked us to go ahead without her for the movie.
Obviously we couldn't let her be hardworking while we're all having fun.
We dragged her kicking and screaming into the cinema.
Pigging out at Secret Recipe
Why only camwhore when you can also eat?
Sinned a lot yesterday.
But couldn't care less somehow.
I was too full after that...couldn't get my choc frap T___T
Trying on RM10 sunglasses!
The lady selling the sunglasses was nice enough not to scold us for playing with her wares.
The chao-ah-kua dance instructor Jojo Fang.
Failed attempts to camwhore nicely :
More pigging out!
Didn't you know?
Stressed people need to eat eat eat to relieve their stress.
because I ate 12 fried dumplings all on my own....
We ordered 20 by the way >.<"
But they're soooooo goood....
Crispy fried skin on the outside,
holding in the juicy meat and gravy inside....YUM
Sorry! The food got in the way of picture-taking..
Nevermind, you got to see the aftermath anyway.
More photo-taking wearing RM10 sunglasses :P
The idea is to find the more outrageous looking sunglasses and have a good laugh at yourself.
Anyone got any idea why?
Note to self: Keep exam-ridden students away from hypermarkets.
The tendency to overshop and attempt to buy entire hypermarket is very large and very real.
My poor car had trouble accelerating after that.
It was a fun day.
But helluva price to pay for it.
Worried, and at the same time,
couldn't care less.
Wonder why.
couldn't care less.
Wonder why.
love, Joyce.
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