Dear lonely isle,
This week is a supposedly holiday for UMS-ians here because of the intrusion of a certain event known as Convo Week. Last year seniors look forward to this day as a working man waits for Friday. Liberation Day. Of course it's a time when all sorts of advertisements will appear at bus stops, hallways and wherever people are allowed to stick paper >.<
And it's also the time of the year for what is known as Tamu Gadang, big pasar malam held for the whole day for a week. Probably so UMS-ians will go out and spend more money on food and nonsensical things *guilty*
And wherever there's huge crowds, there's also........
The Red Cresent Society >.<
Sigh, it's one of the dumbest idea I've heard, but I find lots of things dumb as it is, so I don't think I'm allowed an opinion on this >.<
Well all Red Cresent members have to duty for 8 hours a day for 2 days in Convo Week. Which would make it a total 16 hours. In case people faint at huge pasar malams. Yeah, I know. Dumb.
So my shifts are from 3pm to 11pm on Wednesday and Friday night. (took the night shift. No choice.)
PBSM duty again. Note to all people. If ever you need assistance because you feel unwell, avoid us. WE ARE UNTRAINED >.<. I only know how to bandage heads, and arms with a cloth I don't bring around.Eh hem, so longer duty hours mean spending more time at Tamu Gadang, and possibly more food to eat >.<>
A mutated tortoise >.<
Micu, Raoul2 & Bobo. Aren't they so adorably cute!!!!!! Micu is Mei Kuan's, Bobo belongs to Bee Siah, and no prize for guessing who's the owner of Raoul2 :P
Other events on that night was the Merdeka Countdown. There were fireworks :) So beautiful. But my phone died, cos was talking too long to my baby so I couldn't record it T_T
Sat the ambulance back to the hostel again >.<>.<
Got back at 1. Took a bath and washed my face. Then the electricity went out. Sigh. Nothing new here. Then when it cam back on, what did I find?
A cockroach sitting on my toothbrush.
Just left the cupboard open for awhile...Why does these things always happen to me? Why is my room the target of seemingly endless attacks from cockroaches night after night? Why is it that I'm SO GODDAMN TERRIFIED OF THEM?
If I ever were to run back home, there's no need to ask why, it's the goddamn cockroaches.
Raoul & Raoul2 getting along :)
Sigh, duty again later at 3pm. Not looking forward to it :(
love, joyce.
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