Saturday, September 30, 2006
Posted by joYce at 3:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: memories
Pesta Tanglung
Shima, me and Umi. Yea, it's the same Shima as the one in the cosplay. Forgive the blurness, Jordan boy's hands tend to shake. Nah, it's not cos of Parkinsons. Thanks for asking anyway.

Posted by joYce at 3:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: memories
Exams and Ankles
Dear lonely isle,
Hmm, lets see, been some time since the last post, what happened. Ah yes, assignments assignments and mid terms again.
Had Earth and Planetary Science mid term yesterday. As good as dead. A really interesting topic until you have to study it. Then you really gotta pity geology students. They actually chose to study this??? Rocks, rocks, damn great bloody ROCKS. Whole syllabus is on GREAT BLOODY ROCKS. *cough*
It's really full of rocks. And things that really have nothing much to do with what I'm doing.
Today had my biotech mid term. Essays on transcription, translation, replication of DNA, mutation and history of biotechnology. Naturally not fun. But much nicer to study for than GREAT BLOODY ROCKS >.<
Okay now you know why I'm not taking geology. Hmm, should the show Lusa (aka The Day After Tomorrow) and The Core come true, we'll be relying on these people who spend almost all their time looking at ROCKS.
Saw the short lines about a woman in Cheng Choo's blog that day, made me smile. Thought it was really good, just so happens a friend of mine here having problems with her jerk of a boyfriend (make that the asshole too). He probably does believe women should be loved too, ALL women. Pretty ones. By him. With possibly makeup covered faces. Some guys are weird.
Well, I fell down the bus some time last week. Had fever, sore throat, cold and cough too. >.<>
Thought it was better already after it stopped hurting. Then this past Tuesday night as I was chasing the night bus after Arab class, somehow hurt it again. Okay, okay I get it I'm clumsy..
Anyway, seems to be swollen now. Everyone keeps asking me to massage it, but I have no idea how. Bee Siah and Mei Kuan says I can't let it get water, that I should bathe with a plastic bag over my foot >.<
Joyce goes "..uh.."
Sigh, any other suggestions? Don't really wanna go and see the doctor, because that would involve MORE WALKING. no bus service to the clinic. quite idiotic really. Sick students have to what, crawl there? Anyway, it hurts when I walk so don't wanna consider that first kay?
Other than that, this week coming up is another test on Tuesday and a pile of lab reports to complete, with another on the way T_T
Reports, reports, GREAT BLOODY REPORTS. I actually chose to do this???
love, joyce.
Posted by joYce at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: daily dires
Friday, September 15, 2006
Posted by joYce at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: memories
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Dear lonely isle, Yesterday, we had the annual Family Day for the Biotechnology Course. We went to a place called Karambunai. At first I thought it was somewhere in Brunei. Yes, I'm bad in geography for those who didn't know >.<
Naturally, when out with friends, one must take pictures :) No I will not publish all the pictures. I realised I have grown fatter so I shall post those which do not show much of me >.<
Erm, I realise I'm not really much of a photographer so forgive me for the rather weird pictures. I try to take nice views of the place, indeed the place is so beautiful. Sorry if my bad photography skills made it seem otherwise >.<
We left our respective kampungs at 7, reached there at.. sorry I don't recall. The journey should be about 15 to 20 minutes long. But everyone knows I can't estimate so that's just my assumption >.<
The water was full of tiny fishes. It's rather clear too, until the deeper areas, where the water is blue. Shima tells me the fishes with long snouts are actually seahorses. They swim horizontally because you need to pull them out of the water to get them to look seahorsey. I think she's either confused the fish with a seahorse, or she's trying to pull my leg.
I tried taking pictures of the fish, but somehow it didnt' turn out so nice. So I'm not posting it =P
Spent the day playing all sorts of nonsensical but enjoyable games organised by the second year seniors. My team was very determined to win. We won most of the games, but came out second overall, maybe because we lost the volleyball match >.<
Shima with a horse. She and I get along really well. I hang out with her a lot. Wait till I get my hands on a picture with her in her normal attire. So totally different..
Went walking along the beach with Shima. Okay, actually we went a bit further than that. My trackpants were completely soaked. We were looking for sea shells :P Okay I'll admit that was just an excuse we used because the water was so inviting. Well, inviting enough until I stepped on some sharp rocks and cut the sole my foot >.<
Some of the girls in my class. One of them actually went swimming, but because this is UMS, and probably because she didn't plan on it, she went swimming in full attire. The foreigners at the beach however, were not so shy. There was this hot blond babe, damn her body is so nice, tall and slim *jealous* and she was with this fat guy. The only thing I didn't like was her flourescent pink bikini and g-string. Don't think it complemented her tan. She's got very nice cleavage though. Was too busy staring at her I forgot to take her pic. >.<
Came back about 6 in the evening. Was so tired I could sleep standing. And I got sunburnt. Got a shock after my bath T_T didn't know I was so black. And now the skin is starting to itch, and it hurts =(
Hehe a day rather well spent =)
love, joyce.
Posted by joYce at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: memories
Friday, September 01, 2006
Posted by joYce at 11:50 AM 1 comments
Labels: bliss, rainclouds
Thank You
My tea's gone cold
I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
The morning rain cloud's up my window
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it would all be grey
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad
It's not so bad
drank too much last night
I've bills to pay
My head just feels in pain
I missed the bus and there'll be hell to pay
I'm late for work again
And even if I'm there they'll all imply
That I might not last the day
And then you call me and it's not so bad
It's not so bad, and
I, want to thank you
For giving me the best day of my life
Oh, just to be with you
Is having the best day of my life
Push the door I'm home at last
And I'm soaking through and through
Then you handed me a towel
And all I see is you
And even if my house falls down now
I wouldn't have a clue
Because you're near me, and
I, want to thank you
For giving me the best day of my life
Oh, just to be with you
Is having the best day of my life.
Thank you
Thank you baby. Thank you for everything. For the comfort after the longest, worst days, and for the love on the emptiest and loneliest of nights.
I love you.
Thank you.
Posted by joYce at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: bliss
Convo Week
Dear lonely isle,

Eh hem, so longer duty hours mean spending more time at Tamu Gadang, and possibly more food to eat >.<>
A mutated tortoise >.<

Aren't they so adorably cute!!!!!! Micu is Mei Kuan's, Bobo belongs to Bee Siah, and no prize for guessing who's the owner of Raoul2 :P
Other events on that night was the Merdeka Countdown. There were fireworks :) So beautiful. But my phone died, cos was talking too long to my baby so I couldn't record it T_T
Sat the ambulance back to the hostel again >.<>.<
Got back at 1. Took a bath and washed my face. Then the electricity went out. Sigh. Nothing new here. Then when it cam back on, what did I find?
A cockroach sitting on my toothbrush.
Just left the cupboard open for awhile...Why does these things always happen to me? Why is my room the target of seemingly endless attacks from cockroaches night after night? Why is it that I'm SO GODDAMN TERRIFIED OF THEM?
If I ever were to run back home, there's no need to ask why, it's the goddamn cockroaches.
Raoul & Raoul2 getting along :)
Sigh, duty again later at 3pm. Not looking forward to it :(
love, joyce.
Posted by joYce at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: daily dires
Happy Day
Came back estatically happy ;) What can I say, girls like shopping. Hehe, spend money, wallet empty but heart happy >.<
Then I realised I forgot to get my groceries >.<
Yes, yes, insaf di. No need to berate me anymore :P
love, joyce.
Posted by joYce at 9:19 AM 0 comments