"..oh, this is the night, it's a beautiful night,
and we call it bella notte
look at the skies, they have stars in their eyes,
on this lovely bella notte.."
Lately I've been addicted to:

I think today was the what? Third? Fourth? time I watched the show.
The Tramp has got to be one of the best male protagonists, he's sooo charming XD
Yes. I know he's a dog.
But his character was voiced by a very smooth-talking human :)
It's possibly one of the most romantic films ever *swoons*
But then again, all Disney oldies are so great :)
The songs gives me goosebumps, and make me go awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww inside
Maybe I should start downloading all my other favourites from childhood...
Incidentally...the scene I remember most vividly, was not the scene depicted above,
but the scene when Lady dips her doughnut in coffee before eating it >.>
and Lady with the pink ball.
In Oliver and Company (google it if you're clueless), the most remembered scenes were:
1. Georgette waking up
2. Oliver eating out of Georgette's bowl
It seems...my brain likes to selectively remember food scenes (O.o)
For some reason, the set up of the characters remind me of Titanic O.O
Maybe cos its the only other show I watched with a higher-born girl with a poor bloke.
Except that this is nicer :)
Much nicer.
(Ann Gee may beg to differ. I know she spent a lot of money watching Titanic in the cinema)
Happily getting my daily sugar fix watching this movie :D
We need more Disney oldies..
I need more Disney oldies.
Love, Joyce.
PS: When Googling Bella Notte lyrics I found out that Britney Spears re-sang the song? Don't want to download it...I hope she did not ruin it...